This is how the current year looks when one takes a bird's eye view with respect to terror strikes destinations. Based on the past terror strikes around the world, we can infer many things about terrorists and terrorism which the world has largely ignored till now.
Inference no. 1. Terrorists are impartial .This is appreciating and really heartening that Terrorists do not show partiality towards any particular country. They are so soft-hearted that whenever a particular country feels isolated of not being included in the coveted list of terrorist-struck nations, they come with a BANG
Inference no. 2: They deliver consistently without fail. If we look at their impressive track-record for the last 28 years we will see that a handful of these skilled artisans have influenced the entire world of 193 countries. Terrorism is the only “industry” which is ever-green in real sense. No matter what state the economy is in, no matter what weather it is, they deliver their “products” on time and rarely fail to meet their deadlines.
Inference no. 3: Terrorists are the most secularist and pluralist species alive on this earth. They know no barriers .For them no one is rich or poor, no one is powerful or impotent, no country is developed or developing. They distribute their "ASSETS" evenly among the "beneficiaries”. Where else can we find such a fine balance?
Inference no. 4: Terrorism impact positively many industries. For example, security-devices companies thrive so rapidly in countries where terrorism is rampant like India and USA. For instance in India, such companies have seen a 30% year-over-year growth in 2008 which is significant especially when the whole world is reeling under the current financial downturn. All thanks to these "men of GOD" who work arduously day in day out.
Inference 5: Terrorism is a multi-billion dollar real global industry. From India to USA, from UK to Israel, from China to Algiers, you name the country and it is their on the list. Where else would we see such a diverse geo support?
Kudos to the US and Pakistan for producing an organization which has myriad “positive” attributes and which for long has faced yet survived the "atrocities" of international community.
thats a decent post, terrorism infact has become extremely active specially in this part of the world, where lies its deepest roots!
the out look of the blog can be transformed into a much more newspaper type template as it features mostly articles related to social issue!
how about a broad and white layout?
secondly, i failed to understand the relevance of "dell laptop" link advertisement with the post, is this a part of some google tie-up like adsense, well if its not then go for adsense for blog advertisement as its more relevant in context to what u write, here the show off dell add is a turn off on the page for a content based reader like me!
glad to see you doing regular blogging bhaiya !! :)
tc and god bless,
keep posting!
pulkit, some queries:
What exactly do you mean by broad and white layout? Is is just the template or something realted to the content?
Also, I appreciate your feedback about the ads.Could you let me know on how to configure context based ads?
Thanks for your feedback and will keep you posting on the updates.
yes, broad and white layout refers to the cuztomized format of the blog, its related to template and have nothing to do with content, i am planning to launch my own website somewhere near march and looking for template designing from some australian and west european free lancers and the ranges can be as high as 5000$, just for the template you see, so this first impression can be very crucial in generation of initial traffic for any page!
secondly. here since its a id based domain on blogspot, where millions of users makes new account every 10 days or so then colours like green and pink combo for the post are a strict turn off for a new blog reader, which comes up with the phrase"just another new blog", the way u use widgets in ur blogpage can show how much you are in love with your personal page!
well to see some creative blog pages on blogspot, if you want then visit the comment page on some of my old articles at and there in the readers you will find a person called "dreamer",her name is nainika nagpal and as to the status of an initial blogger, this girl in her blog "roses and thorns" have come up with a very attractive look of them page, i just saw it few days back.
blogging can be a learning experience each day, in genral i am not writing anything on social issues like ur blog at my free blog page cos i charge for it as a free lancer on net and my blog page gets easy piracy access, so i am trying to explore something other than this, like creative poetic analysis and lyrical music analysis etc, you might not love it(the kind of studious and hard working person you are), but give it a look and leave a comment, some time when u get a little free... @
please comment on the recent changes to the blog :)
thats a pleasant change! much better than the last look i would say .
and two thumps up for the less footage of that dell commercial :)
black is my favourite colour and seems u have joined "blog catalog" too, look is highly similar to 19goes20 , but thats not a problem, even 19goes20 seeked inspiration from somehwhere else, and the best part of blogging is that such positive chains never stops.
waiting for ur next post, just PM me when u write something via any of my newtworking account or broadcast it at blogcatalog and i will get the info!
anyways, the remaining question of the last querry of urs, "context based/related adds", u alreasy have google adsense installed in ur blog page and its great advantage is that google adsense team keeps a look at what ur writing and post a related add to it in the adsense window and then click generation income starts! there is a loads of info to share on this and will let u know one by one. these days dont come online for more than 6 hours, sems going on!
anyways, keep posting!
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